First Christian Church-Norman

4.8 out of 5 Write a Review

Google Reviews:

5 Star Review By Tom Fightmaster

This the best church I have ever been to. The senior pastor is totally awesome. The congregation is a little slow to warm up to you, but I have seen much worse. Give them a few visits. If you are conservative or evangelical, I would not recommend it.

Tom Fightmaster Apr 4th, 2018 Google

5 Star Review By David Edwards

My parents were members here in the late 80’s, and rejoined upon returning to Norman in the late 90’s. I grew up in this church, and have always felt at home. Despite being a more traditional service than other churches I’ve attended and enjoyed, like Journey, you would be hard pressed to find a more welcoming, open-minded and open-hearted church family.

David Edwards Jan 11th, 2018 Google