Dr. Kathy Opfenring

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Google Reviews:

5 Star Review By William Pederson

Dr. Kathy is the best vet I have ever had and I've been a pet owner all my life. She cares for her patients and their parents. She is a remarkable scientist when treating very difficult illnesses. She saved my beagle from a bad bout of pancreatitis and was the first vet to get his phenobarbital dose right. Atruly gifted doctor

William Pederson Jul 8th, 2020 Google

5 Star Review By Josephine

Dr. Opfenring's clinic is unlike many other clinics. There are many citrus tress surrounding the clinic which make this clinic's views serene. My dog was soothed by looking outside at the trees and birds. Dr. Opfenring has been my pets veterinarian for many years now. I trust her diagnosis and I love how dedicated and caring she is with all her patients. She's absolutely the best! The staff is friendly and incredible with the animals they tend to. This last time I was there I saw a very vocal little goat. It was having a good time outside in the grass. :)

Josephine Jun 29th, 2018 Google