It’s that time of year again! Back to school for Salem / Keizer kids.

As families begin to readjust their schedules, drivers in the Salem / Keizer area are being urged to use extra caution on the roads. With more children walking and biking to school, there will be more pedestrians out and about during the morning and afternoon commutes. Let’s keep our kids safe!

Salem Keizer School Bus
Photo Credit: Salem Keizer School District

Here are a few tips for drivers to keep in mind as kids head back to school:

  • Slow Down and Obey the Speed Limit. This one should go without saying, but unfortunately, it bears repeating. When there are more people on the roads and kids walking or biking to school, there is a greater chance of something going wrong. Slow down and obey the posted speed limit to give yourself more time to react if someone darts out into the street.
  • Be Extra Vigilant at Crosswalks and Intersections. Crosswalks and intersections are always areas where drivers need to be cautious, but they are especially dangerous when pedestrian traffic is high. Be sure to yield to pedestrians who are crossing at a crosswalk, and always come to a complete stop at red lights and stop signs. Remember: it only takes a split second for an accident to happen.
  • Be extra cautious when backing out of driveways or parking spots. Children on bicycles or skateboards can be hard to spot, so make sure to do a thorough check before putting your car in reverse.
  • Eliminate distractions! This means no cell phones, no eating, no drinking, nothing that takes your attention away from the road. If you need to take a phone call or reply to a text message, pull over somewhere safe first.
  • Be extra vigilant around school buses. Please pay attention to the school bus lights, stopping, and rules. Do NOT try and go around them because you’re in a hurry to get somewhere.
  • Be patient! It might take a few extra minutes to get where you’re going, but it’s important to remember that safety always comes first.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. We hope that all Salem and Keizer drivers will take extra caution as kids head back to school. By working together, we can keep our roads safe for everyone!

Tim Fahndrich

About the Author

Tim Fahndrich is the Co-founder & CEO of WhirLocal Media Group, and co-publisher of WhirLocal Salem and WhirLocal Albany. He is passionate about supporting local businesses and non-profits as the backbone of our economy and local communities.

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