Paradox Studios TT

(20 reviews)

Port of Spain
(868) 222-0844

No matter how dedicated you are to your fitness plan, you’ll likely experience a lull, feel like you’re at a progress plateau, or lose some motivation at some point. Fortunately, there are things that you can do to overcome these ruts and stick to your fitness goals. Here are just a few ideas that you can try out.

Take a Break

This may sound counterintuitive to some people, but sometimes, you just need to take a break from your workout routine for a few days. If you take a few days off and keep up with your nutrition, you will likely lose little-to-no progress towards long-term fitness goals. If you find you need a longer break, incorporate another activity such as going for a hike, taking a yoga class, or playing soccer with friends.

Mix Up Your Workout

One reason why people lose interest and motivation in their workout routine is that they get tired of doing the same things every time. Going for a run every morning or doing the same strength training exercises every day can become repetitive, so mix things up and try something new. If normally go for a run, try going on a bike ride for a different approach to cardio. Try lifting with free weights or cables if you normally use a machine, or try something completely new to you such as Pilates or step aerobics. Not only will you be branching out of your routine, but you’ll also have the chance to try new things and exercise other parts of your body.

Find New Music

Listening to music can make a huge difference in your workout. It can drive you to work harder, keep you motivated during long workouts, and even take your mind off of how tired you’re getting. On the other hand, listening to the same music every time can get boring or repetitive. If you’re getting tired of sticking to your same workout playlist, try mixing things up with some new songs. You’d be surprised at how much a simple change in music can affect your workout.

Hire a Personal Trainer

If you have trouble staying motivated when working out on your own, maybe it’s time to hire a personal trainer. A personal trainer can come up with a great workout for you and hold you accountable if you start to lose motivation and skip too many days in the gym. They can also tell you if you’re doing exercises wrong or have incorrect form, which is important if you want to avoid an injury.

Fitness plans and exercise regimens are only effective if you can stick with them. When you reach a lull, keep these tips in mind, and don’t give up on your fitness goals!

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