Every small business should at least consider video marketing. Videos are an incredibly popular form of consuming content. If you don’t create videos, you are missing out on a large segment of your potential audience. You can share your videos on your website, YouTube, and social media channels.

But one of the challenges with video marketing is coming up with new ideas. After all, you want to continue creating content to attract more customers. The following video ideas will help you avoid running out of ideas for this part of your digital marketing—at least for the time being.

1. Tell Your Brand Story

One of the most compelling types of videos to make is one about your brand story. This humanizes your small business, showing potential customers that there are real people behind it. It also helps them form a connection with you. That, in turn, will encourage them to consider buying from your brand.

2. Have Team Members Share Their Stories

This video idea is an extension of telling your brand story, but it makes it even more personal. With this idea, you have key members of your team tell their stories. They can share their past experience in the industry or how they ended up in the industry. They can talk about how they started working for your company and how long they’ve been there. Another good option is having them explain exactly what their role involves. This can help show all the people involved in your business.

You can also get creative with team members sharing stories. Ask them to share their favorite experience helping a client. Or ask them to talk about their favorite among your products. You can even tie this into current themes. For example, if Halloween is coming up, make a compilation video of your employees sharing their favorite past Halloween costumes.

3. Behind-the-scenes Products

Having your team tell their stories is just one type of behind-the-scenes video that you should consider. You can also look at day-to-day activities or any other aspect of your business. Maybe show the process that goes into developing a new product or creating the new storefront display.

These are very easy to make and are another way to encourage customers to connect with your brand. They also help show all the effort that goes into delivering your products and services, helping boost your perceived value.

4. Show Off Products

We mentioned the option of having your team members describe their favorite products in videos, but that’s not the only way to highlight products. If you have a very popular product or one that has a lot of common questions, create a video about it.

When launching a new product or service, make a video describing what makes it different and its benefits. Explain the customer pain points it will solve. If you sell something that isn’t necessarily intuitive to use, share a video on how to use it.

You can make videos offering tips on how best to use a certain product. For example, if you sell clothes, consider a video with outfit suggestions or one on care instructions. If you are a hair salon, offer tips on what to do to your hair (if anything) before visiting, such as washing it.

5. Event Videos

If you host an event, record during it. Then, create a video with highlights of the event. You could even livestream your event. This can help potential customers get to know your brand and make them feel like part of the community.

6. Educate Your Watchers

One of the most popular types of videos for digital marketing is educational videos. The already-mentioned videos on how to use products or offering tips on them fit into this category to some extent. But educational videos can also be much broader. They can include Q&As, guides, and more.

The great thing about educational videos is that they aren’t just limited to products and services you sell. You can also make them about related things. For example, if you sell workout gear, you could offer exercise tips in a video.

There is also another great advantage of educating your clients in videos. It shows off your expertise. People will see your brand as an expert in the industry, and that will encourage them to choose you over the competitors.

Not sure what content to include in educational videos? Look at your blog for inspiration. Consider turning your most popular blog posts into videos.

7. Customer Testimonials

Some of the best videos to include in your digital marketing are customer testimonials. These are just one type of social proof, but they can do wonders. They are a modern version of referrals and online reviews. Considering that most people look at reviews before buying a product or choosing a service, they are incredibly important.

You can get creative with these customer testimonials as well. Combine them with an influencer marketing strategy or with brand ambassadors. And think outside of the box when it comes to what clients talk about. They can talk about the overall experience buying from you, their favorite product, why they like you better than the competition, or anything else.

8. Videos With User-generated Content

One of your goals with digital marketing is to make customers feel as if they are part of a community. Sharing user-generated content is an excellent way to do this. The people whose content you include will feel special and included. At the same time, it will help potential clients see that you have clients just like them.

Depending on how you film them, customer testimonials can fit into this category. But you can also include images or videos that customers share on social media using your brand. Just remember to get permission first. A great way to generate user-generated content is with a hashtag or challenge. For example, a clothing store could ask users to tag them in photos wearing clothes from them.

Once you start making your videos, try to set a schedule for sharing them. This way, customers know when to expect new content from you. You should notice a boost in engagement and sales.

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