Roto-Rooter Plumbing & Water Cleanup

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Google Reviews:

5 Star Review By Douglas Grenz

Karl was exceptional. We called on a Sunday and he responded promptly. He was able to diagnose our issue within moments. I suspect it took him more time to unload and load his equipment than it did to unclog our issue. HIGHLY recommend!

Douglas Grenz Feb 6th, 2023 Google

5 Star Review By Charles Putman

Shower, load of clothes, dishwasher all going at the same time. Suddenly nothing is draining! Called RR. Set up a time for someone to be there. Bridget calls back says she’s got someone coming sooner! Yeah! Dominic shows up. Drags out a camera on a snake device and in a short few minutes knocks the clog loose with that!! Slightly less than two hours from my call I’m calling my friend back to let him know that I can meet for lunch after all! Thank you Roto-Rooter! C. Putman Bend, OR

Charles Putman Mar 2nd, 2023 Google